Greek Rice and Cabbage

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Beiträge: 246

Greek Rice and Cabbage

von RereRini am 29.02.2020 07:57

¼ cup olive oil
1 medium onion diced (about 1 cup or 4 oz or 115 grams)
½ of a small cabbage (about 10 oz or 300 grams sliced, not too thin)
½ tablespoon tomato paste
About ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
½ cup medium grain rice (uncooked)
Lemon and parsley for serving
We heat olive oil in a medium pot.  We add the onion and sauté until soft about 5-7 minutes.  We add the cabbage and mix until cabbage is coated with the olive oil.  We heat for 2-3 minutes (stirring) until cabbage has wilted somewhat.  Then we add about 1 cup hot water and simmer for 20-30 minutes until cabbage is soft (we can add more water if needed).  Once cabbage is soft, we add the tomato paste that has been dissolved in 2-3 tablespoons of water, and ½ teaspoon salt, freshly ground pepper and cayenne pepper and mix.  Following we add ½ cup (uncooked) medium grain rice and we stir so that rice is coated with the oil.  We add 1 ¼ cup hot water and simmer until rice is almost cooked (about 15 minutes).  We add more hot water in small amount if needed. Once rice is ready, but there is still a bit of water left in the pot, remove from heat and keep covered until rest of water is absorbed. Rice should be somewhat creamy.

Note1: We serve with plenty of lemon and sprinkle with parsley.

Note2: To reheat, we may add a bit more water to soften it.  We may serve with some feta.



Dix Love,



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