Spaghetti with lentils bolognese

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54, Weiblich


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Beiträge: 246

Spaghetti with lentils bolognese

von RereRini am 05.10.2019 11:09

500 grams spaghetti No. 6
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, thinly diced
2 carrots, thinly diced
2 cloves garlic, thinly diced
200 grams lentils
400 gram canned tomatoes
2 cups (500ml) vegetables broth
2 tbsp tomato paste
salt to taste
pepper to taste
feta cheese, crashed (optional)

In a big cooking pot we heat the olive oil, on medium heat.  We add the onion, the carrot, the garlic and we cook for 4 minutes until the vegetables soften.  We add the lentils, the tomato, the vegetables broth, the tomato paste, salt and pepper.  We increase the heat to higher and let them get a big boil.  We lower the temperature to medium and we continue cooking for about 20 minutes until the sauce has thickened.  Meanwhile we have made the spaghetti as per the instructions.  We have them drained and put back in the cooking pot.  We serve the spaghetti with the lentils sauce and crashed feta (optional).



Dix Love,


Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 05.10.2019 11:15 .

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