Saganaki cheese

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54, Weiblich


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Beiträge: 246

Saganaki cheese

von RereRini am 14.04.2019 09:08

120 grams cheese, gruyere or other hard cheese that can be grated, NOT cream cheese
50 grams flour
oil for the frying
1 lemon


In order to make this recipe, we must cut a square or oblong piece of cheese in a 2cm thickness. We need to make sure it is thick enought so that it does not melt in the skillet or the frying pan. We dip the cheese in cold water and then we pass it from flour to fully cover all sides. In a small frying pan, we put enough oil to make sure half of our saganaki is covered (NOT cover it totally like it does when we fry potatoes). The heat is strong. We fry the saganaki till it turns golden/light brownish and then we turn to the other side for an equal result. We serve with lots of lemon while it is still hot.



Dix Love,




46, Weiblich


† Content Creator † † Sponsor † † Ambassador †

Beiträge: 321

Re: Saganaki cheese

von Koiai_Designs am 16.04.2019 02:37

Cheese is all you had to say and I am on board 

KoiAi Designs | S.O.M. ex-Graphics Design Partner
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54, Weiblich


† Moderator † † Content Creator † † Sponsor † † Ambassador †

Beiträge: 246

Re: Saganaki cheese

von RereRini am 16.04.2019 07:09

It is really easy to make and it is so nice next to french fries!!!!

Dix Love,



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